
Humanity and believers, are you tired of revelation without demonstration? Let me teach you how to get what God has already given you! 


Hi! I am Apostle/Prophet/Pastor Larry!

I am a True ambassador of Jesus Christ presenting to the world the Savior of all humankind, whether believed or not! Performing under the government and laws of God, Jesus Christ, the only Potentate, and ruler that is unconstrained by the laws of men. He is King of kings and Lord of lords – Jesus Christ. My task is making known the requirements of the Word of God to the world of humanities what must be in one’s life for a peaceful hereafter once life on earth has expired. God is living in me and expressing His divine will for the last of the last days among men to show humankind, God still rules from heaven among men in the land!

If you are looking for a church, where personal dreams become a reality, make this your church home to get true revelations on how to receive the best of the best from God – Jesus and true salvation in the process!